Category: Bioregulatory Medicine
We are one of Ireland’s leading homeopathy suppliers.

International Congress on Integrative Health& Medicine
With over 600 participants from over 40 countries, delegates from
August 1, 2016

A comprehensive overview of Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine is widely practiced in a number of EU
November 21, 2014

EUROCAM – Sustainable Healthcare 2020
EUROCAM, an alliance of various European Associations representing CAM doctors,
October 21, 2014
Homoeopathy – Clinical Trials Database
The CORE-Hom Database which has been published recently will be an
September 10, 2014

Bioregulatory Medicine
Bioregulatory Medicine – Innovative Medical Paradigm
As featured in the Spring/Summer 2014 edition of ‘Homeopathy in
July 11, 2014

Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork: Generating Health via the Body’s Own Communication System
Published in this month’s Townsend Letter magazine, Dr. Tatyana Bosh
June 27, 2014
Homoeopathy and Self-Medication
Professor Dr. Robert Jutte, Director of the Institute for the
June 9, 2014

CAM Therapies
Bioregulatory Medicine – Dr. Tatyana Bosh
Bioregulatory Medicine. New Medical Paradigm. Dr. Tayana Bosh, president of
July 5, 2013