The article published in the Journal, ‘Advances in Integrative Medicine’ focuses on the prevalence of use of kinesiology style manual muscle testing. Manual muscle testing (MMT) is a non-invasive assessment method used to evaluate neuromusculoskeletal integrity. It is a fundamental component of physical examinations performed by physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and some medical specialists. The aim of the study was to estimate the number of people formally trained to use Kinesiology.
The article concludes that through Internet searches, surveys, personal communications and expert opinion, Kinesiology has been estimated to be used by over 1 million people worldwide. Therefore, its widespread use merits further consideration and in-depth exploration of its usefulness in clinical settings.
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Reference: Estimating the prevalence of use of kinesiology-style manual muscle testing: A survey of educators, Anne M. Jensen, Advances in Integrative Medicine, (2015) 96–102